Smithells® Questionnaires

Why do the Smithells® Questionnaires?

Good question! Seven brief reasons. The Smithells® Questionnaires...

  • Add extra value

    When you forward your summary and go to a face-to-face appointment with a Smithells® Professional. Click here for names.

  • Are fun and helpful

    Young people often say they enjoyed the questionnaires‚ and found them helpful for looking at what’s important for their future.

  • Make you think

    "The questionnaires really ‘made me think’ or ‘got me thinking about what’s important’."

  • Are easier to answer and take less time

    "I found the new (2015) online Questionnaires simpler to follow, easier to answer, and quicker to work through."

  • Give you information

    You are emailed a Career Information Summary plus some feedback on the information you entered in each questionnaire. This will start you thinking about your next step.

  • Are thorough

    Help you to pin down the skills, interests, preferences and values that are important to you, in deciding about your future.

  • Can stand on their own

    Up to 10% of young people figure out their career direction by completing the Smithells® Questionnaires, reading their Summary and talking over their career ideas and plans. Some of this 10% come to see a Smithells® Professional mainly to confirm their career direction and sort out a career plan.

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