What benefits does a career planning appointment add?
Young people and their parents/partners tell us the following benefits come from face-to-face career planning with a Smithells® Professional:
Big saving of time and money. Like most of those who do face to face career planning with a Smithells® Professional, I completed my qualifications in minimum time (see *Notes below)
Sharing and reviewing the information in my Summary really added to my knowing clearly where I am going, and how to get there
I now understand more about me, and what matters to me
Better understanding of the information in my Summary
Better grasp of my unique mix of interests, skills, values and preferences
A clearer sense of direction and focus
The chance to explore career ideas
A clearer sense of the career paths or occupations that fit my unique mix
More accurate selecting of my school subjects and of tertiary qualifications
Better understanding of different occupations and career directions
More accurate selecting of my school subjects and of tertiary qualifications
Help with selecting jobs or career directions that fit me well
Putting together useful steps in a realistic career plan
Many students in their last 2 years at secondary (high) school are selecting one or more subjects that may prevent them gaining entry to the tertiary qualification or career direction that fits them best.
Many tertiary students take an extra 6-12 months to complete their qualification. They incur extra costs, and miss out on one or more years’ earnings.